Welcome to ALL NEW #FilmFridays on The ESintheP Blog!
You guys are getting a whole lot more love out of me from this point on!
#FilmFridays are the final launch of the week, but far from my last offering. As with the other two themed days, there will be variations on this feature, to make sure that you get the best out of the subject of film. Have a little looksee at what you can expect:
Behind The Scenes will be the new #ESPspotlight Interview feature with the people who work behind the actual scenes that we watch on a regular basis. How do they make it happen, and what's their input? Here's where you'll find out.
Box Office will cover the #ESPspotlight Reviews that you have come to know, and occasionally be entertained by; the first of which, starts next week...
In a 5 Question Snapshot, I go Close Up with film staff for a better understanding of their experience and responsibilities in their field of expertise.
In the world of Entertainment, there is more than one kind of Premiere; in the ESP world, it's all about the Events, like Sundance London for instance, which kicks off this brand new theme shortly!
Previews are exactly that! I tell you what's coming soon, and you can book your tickets in advance.
Now that we've covered all the areas, it's time to cut the ribbon and come on in to the biggest film and music festival our fair City has had, for the third year running! Sundance London's Day One programme - complete with my suggestions for must see movies, coming up shortly...
ES ;)
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