Sunday 29 April 2012

Quiet Times...

Well what a week it's been.

'You grow through what you go through' is a favourite saying I heard a few years back, that I immediately adopted as one of my mantras. I firmly believe that if you don't get a personal message out of everything you do, then you're wasting your precious time on this Earth. This week, my lesson was a very simple one learnt in the hardest of ways: my world is scarily dependent on technology - more specifically, my laptops! 

You just don't realise how reliant you become on tools until you have to (try to) function without them! I time-travelled to the Dark Ages this week as I tried to run the ESP Ltd. HQ on barely-functioning 'technology'. Fried hardware on one and corrupted software on the other - yes, at the same time - have meant that all has been uncharacteristically quiet on our external front.

Though we're still delayed in the IT equivalent of Customs at Heathrow whilst I try to have the issues resolved, you will have noticed that the weekly features (#FindOutFriday and #TheSauce) are running a bit behind. My sincere apologies to those of you looking forward to both; I take a lot of encouragement in knowing that you're appreciating them enough to actually drop a line and enquire if all is well!

Rest assured, I will have an #ESPspotlight Special for you shortly  - this one's a doozy so you won't want to miss it; there might just be a little something extra special announced...Technology willing, our weekly ESP Family Digest will follow as soon as possible afterward.

With thanks again for your patience and continued support, especially.

See you in a few!
ES ;)

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